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Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Thursday, January 22nd 2004, 1:13pm



the comment about the SAE also asking for reparations was ironic. There never were troops in the Turkey. :o) Sorry for that.

As for Peng, the ABC powers and your Turkey-story and who accused whom and why or why not and when and how and.... *shrug shoulders* Forget it. :o) Write your story and if it´s BS we´ll invade Atlantis. It´s that easy.

Have an nice day,



Thursday, January 22nd 2004, 7:32pm

Its not just a case if it being that easy. I increasingly get the sence that I'm being accused of attempting to aquire 4 more BB's. That is not the case and in any event our treaty would prevent that.
I'm going to drop this thread and storyline because we have several issues that have to be delt with in one of the other forums, and I would like some imput and suggestions.


Thursday, January 22nd 2004, 8:12pm


I increasingly get the sence that I'm being accused of attempting to aquire 4 more BB's.

Funny thing to me is that when you look at that list of ships, you do get that idea that the Atlantean Navy will have 4 more BBs.

But on the other hand, like you said,


That is not the case and in any event our treaty would prevent that.

So to me, in the end those 4 BBs will not be part of the Atlantean Navy and Atlantis will respect the CT.


I'm going to drop this thread and storyline because we have several issues that have to be delt with in one of the other forums, and I would like some imput and suggestions.

Well, I hope you only drop them temporarily. I like to see where it is going.



Friday, January 23rd 2004, 5:56am

Well the story if it takes place will rely heavily on Greece and what they have brewing with Italy.
The BB's in the list are interned at various ports but as I said the whole story and whos involved will have to be worked out before I can decide the acctual ports of internment. Gavin and I have suggested Cyprus and Constantinople as some of the ports. Any ships not retained will meet grim fates.

And as for Hoo's tendancy lately to talk about invasion....

"As for Peng, the ABC powers and your Turkey-story and who accused whom and why or why not and when and how and.... *shrug shoulders* Forget it. :o) Write your story and if it´s BS we´ll invade Atlantis. It´s that easy."

Unlike Austrailia, I can not only talk the talk but have a fleet to back it up! If you did attack Atlantis you'd better make it a good one,( see the France/ Atlantis/Russia treaty) the SAINT alliance would be in a precarious position. You might make life difficult on your ally to the north (Nordmark) though because his invasion fleets destined for South America would be cut off from significant re-enforcement, and were do you think you will get the supplys for your fleet AND a Nordic fleet? I would hope it would be a unilateral attack by the SAE but not for my sake thats for sure! I have plenty of Idle shipyards not to mention a carrier and Bb that will no longer need to be removed from my list of ships as per the CT. Lets also not forget that the ABC powers by default would instantly be allies further burdening Nordmark. Brazil is just days away from Venezuela.
So to put it bluntly Atlantis will be watching the SAINT powers very closely from now on, with all this talk about invasion going on. ;-)


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Friday, January 23rd 2004, 11:56am


Maybe we should start a new thread labelled "War Plans"?!

To be serious: There is only one player-country I´m really interested a target for a military action that is but we´re not talking about the Atlantic here.

_IF_ there is a military confrontation with Atlantis - Uh, better don´t think about it! We would have another world war faster than you can say "Jesus!" with all players involved - with the remarkable exception of Harry and maybe RA´s Italy too if he´s smart. Everything could happen in WesWorld but Atlantis and the SAE better take care of their good relations (which they have anyway).

But if I had to fight you with the allies you named (including the ABCs there´s only one solution to that problem:

1) Crush the ABC powers navies first. This can be done without much danger within days. This way I secure my backyard and it will be much easier to supply Uruguay if necessary.

2) Meanwhile my SAINT and SANTA-partner will secure the trade routes from the NEI to ensure oil supply. Maybe the Netherlands could do a little bit more and build up some pressure against France but that would be up to the player behind the Netherlands.

3) Big party in the Atlantic. Nordmark/SAE vs. France/Atlantis - a really, really interesting matchup with no chance for either side to invade the other. Thus it will be a naval war, not a land war. On the other hand this means nobody can win - at least not until one sides navies are totally destroyed. Odd situation.

Btw, I wonder where Atlantis gets its oil from....

4) If Russia gets involved too much Japan might be interested to lend a hand as well.

However, it all depends on who attacks who...and I woould take a bad story of yours as an insult and first attack against good taste! *g*




Friday, January 23rd 2004, 11:46pm

Oh goody, war talk!!


Btw, I wonder where Atlantis gets its oil from....

A couple of ways:

Rail from Baku to Batum, and then tankers through the Black Sea, the Med, and a bit of the Atlantic, escorted by Black Sea Fleet corvettes.

In a few years, tankers with entirely adequate seakeeping will be able to sail through the Volga-Don Canal direct from Baku.


Rail from Perm to Murmansk, and then by tankers through the Atlantic, escorted by Northern fleet corvettes, and heavier units as required.


4) If Russia gets involved too much Japan might be interested to lend a hand as well.

That would be interesting indeed, but you'd better ask the Japanese about it. There's a Field Army in the Russian Far East, and a dual tracked rail line between there and five more...


Saturday, January 24th 2004, 2:52am

Indeed it would be a world war if Atlantis and the SAE went to war, but then again its bound to hapen sooner or later.


Saturday, January 24th 2004, 9:51am


That would be interesting indeed, but you'd better ask the Japanese about it. There's a Field Army in the Russian Far East, and a dual tracked rail line between there and five more...

Oh no! You don't mean that I have to deal with Baron Roman von Ungern-Sternberg?! The Mad Baron ?!?!?
And I am aware of the railroads. Guess the comic book "Corto Maltese in Siberia" (which is not bad) and its animated variant "La Cour Secrete des Arcanes" (which is pretty good) did warn me in time about that. Also warned me about the present of those pesky armored trains that the Russian Federation has.


4) If Russia gets involved too much Japan might be interested to lend a hand as well.

Not sure if I would. I think that I'll be too busy 'aquiring' land all around me.
If war were to happen, the Russian Federation could try and keep me out by offering control of the Northern half of Karafuto, the Kamchatka Peninsula, and all the Russian territory between Karafuto and the Chinese border. :-)



Saturday, January 24th 2004, 2:14pm

The Baron?? You wish...

The present commander of the Far Eastern military District is Marshal Rossii A.A. Brusilov, with General-Leutnant B.M. Shaposhnikov as Chief of Staff and Podpolkovnik -that's Lieutenant Colonel- M. N. Tukhachevskii as Aide-de-camp.

A very different kettle of fish :-)


Saturday, January 24th 2004, 6:13pm


Brusilov, General Aleksiei Aleksieevich. (1853-1926)

Looks like time is running out for him...

... or not. Wesworld is a different place. To be honest, if I had to fight the Russian Federation, I'd rather fight a Sane General than a Mad Baron.



Saturday, January 24th 2004, 11:57pm

Marshal Brusilov


Looks like time is running out for him...

Indeed. But he has chosen his command staff very carefully, with an eye to the future.

[ You might wish to google on Shaposhnikov and Tukhachevskii ]


To be honest, if I had to fight the Russian Federation, I'd rather fight a Sane General than a Mad Baron.

Well, the sane type tend to gather up a whole lotta guns and let -them- do the work.


Sunday, January 25th 2004, 10:30am


On June 12 he was shot by firing squad. Tukhachevskii's fall was the beginning of the comprehensive purge of the Soviet officer corps.

Ouch! Good thing you do not have any communists in control of the Russian Federation... although it could still happen...


Well, the sane type tend to gather up a whole lotta guns and let -them- do the work

Yes, you kow what you can expect of sane types. Mad ones can (but don't have to) be very unpredictable.
