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Friday, October 6th 2006, 4:35am

Depends on the scale. If its a really big world that might work as there would be enough land to create "real" nations with enough resources for 19th-20th century naval construction programs. Also would make the oceans and seas large enough to warrent the larger vessels rather than just coastal units.


Friday, October 6th 2006, 4:43am

I'm a big fan of the Civilization series of PC games. Now if there was only a way to utilize their maps...


Friday, October 6th 2006, 6:11am

I think we'd be able to scale it however we'd want, really. There isn't an 'official' scale for it as is.

...I of course call dibs on Junon. (:


Friday, October 6th 2006, 6:27am

For simple terms, a logical way to do that would be to place our real Earth continents onto a larger world, and then add more continents out beyond our own, taking the Columbus idea intact, the "Discovery" of America intact, but beyond that...its a much bigger world than they thought and it will take a lot more to get to the "East Indies" mate. In a way like Desertfox's map that has two Old Worlds and one New World on it but more so. And not the same Old World twice either. (Logically there should be more north and south added to such a world as well if it is still a sphere. Of course those more northern and southern areas could still be artic regions and thus pointless to enter. It would just take longer to get to the poles, as the tempurate "belt" would be thinner than our world, but with a bigger planet the distance around at the equator would be much more vast). It could also be possible that a human could not get to the poles because the climate would get even colder than it does on our world the farther north or south one went (say - 100 plus C?)

Or for the ultimate in weirdness. Two tempurate belts around a much too hot equator. The two halfs don't communicate much if at all. Maybe refrigerated ships can transfers the equator for commerse and warfare. Daring pirates settle in the ultra-tropical zones with special ships and raid the cross equatorial trade lanes. C(could in theory be two different or similar species in the different zones.).


Sunday, October 8th 2006, 4:11am

Just kind of random

I didn't really bother to recolor the map and the gif process messed it up a bit (to the point I'll have to recolor it to clean it up).
But this is a rough impression of a larger world map using out our worlds continents for reference and scale.
The white (which you can't see here) would be the enlarged polar regions which no man should enter, being colder than Mars there.
But just cutting and pasting and other assorted nonsense, we have a heavily modified Navalism map with large oceans and more continents.
There probably should be more on the eastern part of the map, but this is a rough draft, and mainly for conceptual use.


Sunday, October 8th 2006, 4:27am


I dunno if a bigger or alternate world is the way to go, though. Our world is good as a frame of reference.. I don't know if as many people would be attracted to a game where history is so far deviated that it is unrecognizable, or a fresh start. It'd be playable, but difficult to attract players, IMHO.

Since this thread is entitled "Off-topic randomness", I did a "Future History" modification of the BBC website for an AH.COM thread. Note the throwouts to the Brits' CVF and to las Filipinas:


Sunday, October 8th 2006, 5:08am


Sunday, October 8th 2006, 5:29am

Pretty much just randomly altering nation placement and coastlines. Looks good though.

My thoughts on the one I made were to have "history" unfold roughly as historical through the 1500s and even the 1600s and maybe even the 1700s. The main differences would be explorations that attempted to go around the world, or those trying to get from the Americans to Asia. Just not happening on that planet. Some of those might run into the sideways South America and start exploring that, which leads to new elements to history colonialism. Some daring souls may have reached the small continents from there, but I few if any would be able to make it all the way around. Those trying to go from Asia and Australia to the New World would find the Second Africa and associated continents.

I figure by the age of steam or possibly up to the Pre-dreadnought era there would still be exploration of the world. Especially between the Second Africa and the sideways South America. It is possible that the above map is actually all that has been explored and that another large land mass or two have been missed in that vast ocean. Probably by 1920 the world will at least have all its coastlines mapped, but not all the interior spaces, nor cultures known. This leaves a large space for innovations and creativity for new players, while leaving the rest of the world intact, thus business could go on for the most part like that its a long way to get from Europe to Asia if you go west.


Sunday, October 8th 2006, 11:18am

Another suggestion I've always fancied is just turn everything round. Switch the land and oceans so the continents become oceans and the oceans become land. This gives us a realistic picture that we can recognise and more land so we can have more nations (real or otherwise) or larger resources. Asia and Africa would be one vast ocean joined by what is Arabia, a good choke point while the Atlantic would become the Americas and the Pacific a whole new continent. I may work on such a map to see if it works.

As for history we should keep the basics the same to give us a sound background to build on.


Tuesday, October 10th 2006, 2:18am

My good friend Ralph-san combined those three maps I showed at the beginning of the thread for me.

South America and Africa are still free.


Thursday, October 12th 2006, 3:22am

An idea I had. Instead of going big why not go small? We can have a small world with just one ocean and a bunch of small city-states. Interactions between nations would go way up. Think Medieval Europe.


Thursday, October 12th 2006, 10:01am

Here is my picture of the 'other-way-round earth'.

Land is now sea and sea now land.

The Med becomes a huge island, the Straits of Gib a narrow land bridge. The Black and Caspian seas are also good sized islands.

Asia and Africa are two huge oceanes but the Red Sea is now a good choke point. Central America now links two huge oceans. The Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans are three massive land masses with loads of internal seas and little inlets etc.

I've drawn no borders on this map and the two white lines show the extent of the Arctic regions. I would expect some desert regions near the equator as well as lush forests.


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Thursday, October 12th 2006, 11:28am

If you combine a few of those large "lakes" you´ll get a rather nice map..... Probably an idea for later.


Friday, October 13th 2006, 3:30am

Now to take this thread in another utterly random direction...


WALTERBORO, S.C. (AP) - WALTERBORO, S.C. (AP) - A Taser may work on a billy goat gruff, but it doesn't seem to be very effective on runaway pot roast.

Incident reports show a Colleton County sheriff's deputy used a Taser twice Monday on a cow wandering along a road.

Two zaps later, the cow's owner still couldn't corral the animal, and it ran off. Deputies spent several hours chasing the cow in and out of traffic before suspending the pursuit.

Last January, Scott also used a Taser to rescue a Cottageville woman from an aggressive billy goat named Dodge, who was later adopted.

I live in a very strange state...but as our unofficial state motto says: "Thank God for Louisiana!" (They're usually worse than us on all the various rankings of most backward state in the country, though sometimes its Mississippi)


Friday, October 13th 2006, 3:54am


(They're usually worse than us on all the various rankings of most backward state in the country, though sometimes its Mississippi)

Y'know, I heard the Mississippi governor's mansion burned down.

Right down to the axles.


Wednesday, October 18th 2006, 2:37am

My latest crazy idea. Simply have a half size world with a couple of small oceans, plenty of islands and a couple of seas. I still have to find a way to stuff in Scandinavia and the Baltic

Coutries would be small with plenty of territories. Result would be plenty of interaction between all countries. Carriers and large submarines would be less useful.