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Sunday, May 16th 2004, 1:58am

Assorted news from Atlantis

*includes late news*

Atlantis daily globe August 23 1922

In Turkey today a grand national assembly proclaimed its right to represent the nation and named Mustafa Kemal Pasha as its President, a move that surprizingly many Atlantian foreign delegates praised as a brilliant step towards the nations rebuilding.
"Mustafa kemal was strongly opposed to an alliance with Germany and Austria-Hungary in the great war..." said Martinus Ilarius, Atlantian Ambassador to Turkey.
"...and yet he fought bravely against the allies in defence of his country, in particular the galipoli/Gaba Tepe landings and the Atlantian landings at Kum Kale, exacting a heavy price on the invaders for ground gained. He is definately dedicated to the service of his country".

Atlantis Daily Globe January 3rd 1923

This month the Atlantian shipyards started the construction of the first heavy cruisers built since the great war. With eight 8" guns and twelve 21" torpedo tubes they will be the most heavily armed cruisers in the fleet. Two destroyers and the first of 12 patrol boats have also been laid down.
By mid year the Atlantian fleet will have grown significantly with the addition of two carriers, two moniters, four cruisers, eight destroyers and 12 patrol craft completed since the creation of the Cleito treaty with the latest cruisers well on their way to completion.

Atlantis Daily Globe January 12th 1923

After lengthy discussions on the fate of various interned ships recieved as war reparations to Atlantis at Canakkle, a small fleet of ships was seen being assembled earlier this month. Today that small fleet began sailing for Crete from wich it will sail to Corsica Via Tunisia to join another fleet of old hulks that departed Atlantis last year. The fleet included the former Austro/Hungarian Battleship Szentistivan, noticable missing its guns.
Interestingly enough no turkish ships were seen in the fleet but activity on some of the Turkish ships in the harbor did show small signs of activity. The Turkish Battleship Fatih Sultan Mehmed and three light cruisers were among the ships with activity. Negotiations with Romania and Yugoslavia are underway in an attempt to purchase some of the former Austro hungarian predreadnoughts.

Atlantis Daily Globe January 15th 1923

In Istambul today Atlantian and Turkish diplomats met to discuss the turn over of some of the Atlantian mandates back into turkish hands. Its expected that the western mandate of Erzurum will be returned once Armenia and Azerbaijan recieve full independance, while in the east Atlantis is prepared to give up all territory west of Catalca but retain basing rights in Canakkale and Istambul in addition to retaining the territory north of the Marmara Denizi as a buffer zone between Turkey, Greece and Bulgaria.


Sunday, May 16th 2004, 10:04am


The fleet included the former Austro/Hungarian Battleship Szentistivan, noticable missing its guns.

Szent Istvan was sunk in the middle of the Adriatic by MAS-15 on June 10th 1918. She was even filmed sinking by Tegetthoff.

From the same class, Viribus Unitis was also sunk by Italy. Prinz Eugen was awarded to France after the war and Tegetthoff to Italy. I am unsure as to Prinz Eugen's status but Tegetthoff was sold for scrap this quarter, however work has not yet commenced.


Sunday, May 16th 2004, 10:36am

I don't think you caught my alternate history in some older threads.…e70ac8cf3673b43

The reparations are the same, the fleets however are still to be determined, as it seems that was the sticking point with everyone.


Sunday, May 16th 2004, 10:43am

Yep, I didn't see that. I'll have to post a few things on Italian WW1 history.


Sunday, May 16th 2004, 10:50am

I seem to recall you and I discussing the whole WW1 issue before but never got around to just what our respective country's did in the war.
Historically Szent Istvan was sunk while she was being transfered to the Yugoslavians as voluntary reparations, not to be outmanuvered the Italians sank her. The alternate history I envision is a slightly earlier Turkish exit from the war which would ultimately effect the central powers hold in the Adriatic leading to great success by the Italians and Atlantians, the Greeks not being in the war (at least thats what Harry said).


Saturday, June 5th 2004, 8:35am

Gavin what plans do you have in store for Tegetthoff?
earlier you stated "Tegetthoff was sold for scrap this quarter, however work has not yet commenced."
Will she be sold to a lesser nation?


Saturday, June 5th 2004, 9:37am

Her situation is, ahh, under review but her sale may very well proceed after extensive sructiny of the CT was undergone. It only prevents sale between Countries. Tegetthoff is no longer owned by Italy but by an Italian company.
At the moment i'm still waiting for the other country.


Saturday, June 5th 2004, 10:40am

Wow, that situation puts you between a rock and a hard place. Hopefully the CT has some usefull clauses to facilitate a sale, just to make things interesting in the SIM.