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Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Saturday, July 7th 2012, 11:02pm

Need somebody to help with drawings


there are several with spots in my encyclopedia where drawings of my designs are missing. Especially for carriers I do not have many drawings yet and those that exist I have not drawn. For whatever reason I am not good in creating images of my carriers. So here is my request:

Who can provide me some drawings for the carriers I have none for yet?

All help is welcome. I can provide a template with details that I usually use for my own creations if requested. However, while I prefer the ships to look like they fit into my design philosophy, you do not have to feel bound to any particular detail. That's why I do not post any template right from the start.

Thanks for your help,



Saturday, July 7th 2012, 11:24pm

I'll have to think about the carriers, since it means working from Seawolf's drawings (which are pretty, but a lot more work to kitbash with) or starting from scratch and doing....quite a few.

It might help if you can go through the carrier classes that have no graphic and give an idea of what you want to see; I assume most would be "newer and bigger version of [previous class]", but some details to work with would probably help anyone who chooses to tackle the project.

I can give you one for your newest Battleship class fairly easily I think, since I produced the previous one. Again, any relevant changes or details you'd like to see would help.


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Sunday, July 8th 2012, 12:01am

Well, the first SAE carriers where cruiser or BC hulls with hangars and flight decks attached like superstructure. With the light fleet carriers of the Anvil the hulls were patched up first time as protection against the elements but armor had to be ditched. With the Thomas van Deen armor returned while the patched up hull remained - though I still considere hangar and flight deck as superstructure.

Next in the line, and first drawing missing, is Michel Endress. A purpose built training carrier of limited size I think the design philosophy would be kept to keep the design easy. Probably she would also show the return of the open bow, although not as open as on the Forge. More like on IJN Hiryu but with her bridge on the right side and a vertical stack. The look of IJN Hiyo also might be an option. But I am uncertain. She could also be designed along the lines of Anvil, a bit like OTL british Collossus. Her main guns are meeant to be fore and aft of her super structure.

Then came Asgard and with her the use of the british design philosophy - hangar and flight deck as integrated part of the hull, Implacable style.

Helspanth ought to be similar, though smaller while Bahamuth builds on the experience with the earlier classes.

Historical carrier design I like for their look in addition to the ones mentioned above are IJN Taiho, HMS Unicorn and IJN Unryu . the later for open bow designs but with a vertical stack.

Hope this helps. But please, don t feel hard pressed to do it exactly like I proposed. If it were so simple I probably had done those drawings already. :o)



Sunday, July 8th 2012, 1:12am

Honestly, on closer examination of Leviathan/Behemoth, I'd consider them at most just a subclass of the preceeding Thunderers. Really, as far as I can tell, they're identical in all major respects, to the extent of being in the same class. The only notable difference is the disposition (and reduction, it seems) of the 20mm battery. Unless there's some aesthetic differences or new miscellaneous equipment you want added, it's just a matter of changing the name on the graphic, and me figuring out which 20mm mount is which so I can reduce them accordingly.


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Sunday, July 8th 2012, 9:26am

The Leviathan drawing is not my problem - and you are right, they are just a subclass. The carriers is what I have troubles with...

EDIT: If you want to give it a try - the Leviathan ought to have extended superstructure (admiral's bridge etc.) and an additional pair of directors.


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Wednesday, July 11th 2012, 9:08pm

Any progress yet?


Thursday, July 12th 2012, 1:23am

No. My house was borderline uninhabitable until Monday, and I'm in the middle of helping my mom buy a new Condo and move into it for the rest of the month.

I may also need to buy a new mouse, the new trackball I bought isn't working that well for fine detail work as I thought it would.

When I get enough time to side and fiddle with things for a few hours, I will.


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Tuesday, October 9th 2012, 9:30pm



Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Tuesday, November 6th 2012, 1:44pm

Reminder! Nobody interested?


Tuesday, November 6th 2012, 7:00pm

I've just been too busy lately to sit and work on anything. If I get the time, I'll try and take stabs at it, but I don't know when that'll be.


Wednesday, November 7th 2012, 3:02am

Sadly, my 'art agenda' is going to be taken up for the foreseeable future filling in Nordmark's inventory.
Carnival da yo~!