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Thursday, December 19th 2013, 4:48pm

German News and Events, September 1944 - Fourth Tranche

Oberösterreichische Rundschau, Sunday, 10 September 1944

Militär-Wochenblatt, Monday, 11 September 1944

Last week officials of the Defence Ministry and the Luftwaffe were shown a mock-up of the Dornier Do335 interceptor. The aircraft, to be powered by a BMW reaction jet engine, is one of several designs being considered by the Defence Ministry for the future needs of the Luftwaffe. A decision on whether to proceed with further development is expected before the close of the year.

Berlin, The Cabinet Room, Tuesday, 12 September 1944

The regular weekly meeting of the Cabinet was winding towards its close. The number of items on the agenda were few - and the Cabinet routine well established; they were dealt with in good order.

Chancellor Adenauer paused and let out a small sigh. "Herr Heinemann," he said, addressing himself to the Minister of Justice.

"Yes Herr Chancellor," he replied.

"I have been reviewing the reports from Ambassador von Bergen in Rome. I find them most disturbing."

The perceptive reports of the German ambassador to Italy were well known to the Cabinet; he had been at his post for many years and held a good insight into the often byzantine machinations of Italian politics.

"Quite so Herr Chancellor," Heinemann acknowledged. "The incident in Benghazi, followed by the arrests in Naples, have sent shock waves through the country." To himself he wondered though, "Where is the Old Man going on this?"

"Von Bergen suggests that Italian criminal organisations have extended their tentacles into the highest levels of political authority. I wish to make certain that no such activity is allowed to happen here in Germany. I ask that you study the question of organised crime in the nation and develop recommendations to combat it. I want a preliminary report within two weeks."

To Heinemann's knowledge, organised crime was not the problem it was in Italy, with its Cosa Nostra and Camorra, or France, with the Union Corse. That it existed at all was even doubted by some of his staff; and that was probably the attitude that the Chancellor wished to discourage. Believe that there was no problem and the problem grows too strong to be dealt with.

"Yes Herr Chancellor; I shall put my staff on the matter immediately."

"Very good. What's next?" the Chancellor concluded.


Thursday, December 19th 2013, 8:21pm

Shockwaves...hmmmm...I will make sure the next big thing is dated for a more timely reaction.
You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye
Who cheer when soldier lads march by,
Sneak home and pray you'll never know
The hell where youth and laughter go.
-Siegfried Sassoon


Saturday, December 21st 2013, 9:20pm

German News and Events, September 1944 - Fifth Tranche

Kurier Warszawski, Wednesday, 13 September 1944

The Hamburg-based German firm Hellmuth Walter Kommanditgesellschaft has confirmed press reports that its principal owner, Doctor Hellmuth Walter, has been called in by the French firm Direction des Constructions Navales to consult on unspecified technical matters. Reportedly Doctor Walter has been asked to advise on the subject of advanced engines for submarines but questions to both French and German defence ministries have gone unanswered.

Berlin, Headquarters of the Kriminalpolizei, Thursday, 14 September 1944

"Problems always roll downhill," thought Inspector Otto Langemeyer of the Main Administration of the Kriminalpolizei. "At least I am not at the bottom of the pile." He was awaiting two of his staff, and the problem sitting on his desk would soon become theirs. The door opened, admitting a mis-matched pair of policemen - the taller one rotund, the shorter one wiry; neither really looked the part of policemen - but then, this pair were not your normal policemen.

"You called Chief?" said Walter Gerike, the taller of the pair.

"Have a seat, both of you..." replied Langemeyer, "you have a problem."

"A problem?" piped up Erwin Sander. "What sort of problem."

"A political problem," answered Langemeyer. "The Chancellor - the Chancellor no less, wants a comprehensive report on the question of organised crime and how it might be influencing politics in the nation. He doesn't want the things happening in Italy to happen here. You two get to prepare an analysis of whether there is much organised crime in Germany and how it can be dealt with."

Gerike and Sanders gave each other a quizzical look, each wondering what they had done to deserve the assignment. In actuality they were probably the best fitted officers in the Kriminalpolizei to handle such an unusual assignment. Gerike held the rank of senior analyst, Sander that of analyst. Their jobs were the collation of data, the identification of patterns, the sifting of quantities and the presentation of the facts such analysis revealed. It was not normal police work.

"Here are the questions sent down from the office of the Minister of Justice," Langemeyer added. "Oh, and you have a week to have your report back on my desk."

"Of course," replied Gerike. "Wonderful," he thought, "just wonderful..."

Eisenbahn Kurier, Friday, 15 September 1944


Monday, December 23rd 2013, 1:29am

German News and Events, September 1944 - Sixth Tranche

Kieler Nachrichten, Saturday, 16 September 1944

The recently acquired training aircraft carrier Moltke has begun working up exercises in the Baltic, preparatory to beginning her role in the advanced training of carrier air groups.

Rostocker Zeitung, Sunday, 17 September 1944

On Friday the Defence Ministry confirmed that it had cancelled production orders for the Dornier Do217 twin-engine medium bomber. The last new-built aircraft will leave the production line at the close of this month.

Militär-Wochenblatt, Monday, 18 September 1944

The recent decision by the Generalstab to equip all artillery battalions assigned to Panzer Divisions with the 15cm Panzerfeldhaubitze 37 "Hummel", replacing the 10.5cm self-propelled howitzer in three of their four artillery battalions, will significantly increase the firepower available to the Heer's offensive arm. While production of the Panzerfeldhaubitze 37 will be stepped up, the bulk of the required weapons will be drawn from army reserve stocks. It is expected that the displaced 10.5cm self-propelled howitzers will be allocated to existing formations or to corps general support units.


Tuesday, December 24th 2013, 12:52am

German News and Events, September 1944 - Seventh Tranche

Berlin, Headquarters of the Kriminalpolizei, Tuesday, 19 September 1944

Walter Gerike and Erwin Sander had spent the last several days reviewing the consolidated data from hundreds of national and provincial police reports and for the most part they felt relieved - there was no particular links between organised crime and German political parties. The two seemed to shun each other. Of course, that did not mean that political crime did not exist - the Aerobank Affair of 1939 proved that beyond a shadow of a doubt. More fortunate perhaps was the fact that the economic and legal scene in Germany did not breed the same sort of criminals as Italy, France or even America were like to do. But organised crime did exist in Germany, even if it was not on a mass scale.

The so-called Ringverein - the Ring Clubs - were originally founded in the late Nineteenth Century as support groups for former convicts, ostensibly to help their reintegration to society. Such at least was the purpose of the first, the Reichsverein ehemaliger Strafgefangener, founded in 1890. However, the data collected by Gerike and Sander suggested that since the Great War these clubs had become key to criminal operations in Germany's large cities - demarcating territories, aiding criminal operators with alibis or defence counsel at trial, intimidating witnesses and the like.

"The problem," said Gerike, "is proving that any one of these clubs is tied to a particular criminal incident. There is plenty of circumstantial evidence for their participation, but proving their role is difficult with the current laws on the books."

"Look," replied Sander, "the pattern of their involvement is clear from the data, the reports from the police, and even witness statements. We can prove the pattern of behaviour. What if the pattern of behaviour was made criminal?"

Gerike was silent a moment. "It would still require a lot of effort to prove - but it would be easier to accomplish and would go after the rings directly. If it were framed in the proper legal jargon..."

"At least we'll be able to get something back to Langemeyer in his timeframe," Sander replied.

The Davao Herald, Wednesday, 20 September 1944

The German Navy survey ship Meteor arrived in port today for resupply and replenishment before proceeding to her next destination. The Meteor has been engaged in scientific research and oceanographic survey work over the last several months.

Berlin, Headquarters of the Kriminalpolizei, Thursday, 21 September 1944

Otto Langemeyer reviewed the report by Gerike and Sanders a second time; he was satisfied with their main conclusion, that the Chancellor's concern of Italian-style infiltration was unfounded. But he was intrigued by their suggestion on how to attack the problem of the Ringvereine. "The racketeer must forfeit all ill-gotten gains and interest in any business gained through a pattern of racketeering activity," it read in part. "... to indict or sanction individuals for their behaviour and actions committed against witnesses and victims in alleged retaliation or retribution for cooperating with law enforcement agencies".

"Now that would put a real weapon in the hands of the Ministry of Justice," Langemeyer said aloud. "Go after the top men, not the small ones. And penalize them in their pockets!"

He permitted himself a smile as he signed the routing slip that would take the report to the Minister, eventually. "At least the problem is off my desk for the moment," he thought.


Tuesday, December 24th 2013, 7:36pm

German News and Events, September 1944 - Eighth Tranche

Berliner Abendpost, Friday, 22 September 1944

The Defence Ministry has awarded the Rheinmetall firm a contract for the development of a new class of weapons designed to defend against high speed, high altitude air attacks. Details were not available at the present time.

Kieler Nachrichten, Saturday, 23 September 1944

A Defence Ministry spokesman advised yesterday that the twelve Type I U-boats to be retired to the reserve at the end of the month will be scrapped or expended as targets. This move is not surprising given the developments at the recent naval disarmament talks in London, where the sale of warships abroad arose as a bone of contention.

Sächsische Zeitung, Sunday, 24 September 1944


Thursday, December 26th 2013, 9:09pm

German News and Events, September 1944, Ninth Tranche

Dithmarscher Landeszeitung, Monday, 25 September 1944

The Kriegsmarine survey ship Meteor has departed Davao in the Philippines, on the next leg of her voyage. She is to undertake further oceanographic research in the waters of the Indian Ocean before returning home later this year.

Berlin, The Cabinet Room, Tuesday, 26 September 1944

Gustav Heinemann, the Minister of Justice, had completed the presentation of the report requested by the Chancellor on the matter of organised crime in Germany. The nods of the members of the Cabinet suggested that they agreed with its general tenor - that for the time being at least Germany was not to suffer the difficulties apparent in some neighbouring nations.

The Chancellor looked up from re-reading the executive summary a second time and spoke. "Herr Heinemann, your staff has done an excellent job of summarising the situation, and I am relieved at their conclusion. However, this recommendation to revise the penal code. Is it necessary?"

Heinemann cleared his throat before speaking. "Herr Chancellor, since the time of troubles in the aftermath of the Great War the associations of former prisoners - commonly known as the Ringverein - have moved from being charitable support organisations for former convicts to nascent syndicates for the perpetration of further crimes. That they divide territories and orchestrate criminal activities is well known to the police but the conviction of any but low-level members is difficult if not impossible to procure. By revision Article 129 of the Reichsstrafgesetzbuch to make conspiracy to larceny an indictable offence, the Ministry would be able to pursue the Ringverein under the law of associations and break up their organisation at its centre."

"I wish to consider the matter a few days," Adenauer responded. "But it seems a viable approach. Have you begun to draft the appropriate legislation for consideration of the Reichstag?"

"My staff has begun the preliminary steps," Heinemann answered.

"Good," said the Chancellor in conclusion. "What's next?"

Braunschweiger Zeitung, Wednesday, 27 September 1944


Wednesday, January 1st 2014, 6:39pm

German News and Events, September 1944, Tenth Tranche

Die Rheinpfalz, Thursday, 28 September 1944

The National Institute for Space Research has announced the successful launch of a second A-4 atmospheric sounding rocket. In addition to several instruments transmitting data during the flight the rocket was equipped with several cameras whose film was retrieved following completion of its flight. The data obtained during the flight has proven quite valuable to scientists at the Peenemünde experimental station.

Emder Zeitung, Friday, 29 September 1944

The Kriegsmarine survey ship Komet has departed on an extended survey of the ocean area south of Iceland.

Salzburger Nachrichten, Saturday, 30 September 1944


Friday, January 3rd 2014, 3:38pm

Deutschland Magazine, September 1944