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Friday, February 26th 2010, 10:27am

Russian Pr.21 KB-4 class Battleship 1936


Friday, February 26th 2010, 12:37pm

fast Nelson.

Great Drawing.


Friday, February 26th 2010, 1:02pm

Yeah, looks like Nelson or a G3, though the main gun barrels look a bit short for a Russian design (given that they tended to like high velocity guns).


Friday, February 26th 2010, 3:20pm

Thanks a lot my friends!!!

The design I've draw is the propose design in the Russian navy plan from the second part of the 30ties. It was the UP-41 from Italia, The GF BCV from the USN and the Nelson mod from England in 1936. And This the the Nelson design, Fast, 406mm and floatingplanes on the back, with two catapults, hangar for two planes. The Gunbarrels are the same length of the Russian 406mm design, it looks like they were small but that is because the White-sleepcover on the begin :D


Saturday, February 27th 2010, 2:00am

I can say just one thing.

"Keep up the Good Work"


Saturday, February 27th 2010, 9:17am

I've always quite liked this Project 21 Battleship. The combined fire control directors are a bit of a liability though. I think I prefer the UP-41 design from Italy myself though.