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Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Monday, January 31st 2005, 12:46pm

The Navalist, issue 11-02-1926

[A short note which can be found on page 12 among other particulars of todays issue.]

Durban. Yesterday the Austrian engineer Ernst Schneider was appointed a chair for Propulsion and Power Transmission at the Navy R&D Institute in Durban.


Monday, January 31st 2005, 4:12pm

I have to assume this is fairly significant, but without any biography on the fella, I don't know how.



Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Monday, January 31st 2005, 4:26pm

Well, it´s not that important _right now_ but may be in the future. ;o) If it will be significant I can´t tell... Probably SPEARFISH has more information about him.




Monday, January 31st 2005, 4:29pm

I have taken a look at the 'special database' and I would say that what I read was interesting.


Tuesday, February 1st 2005, 1:20am

Hmmm....I wonder what you have in mind for such a thing. I've not found a historical account of it yet...other than modern stuff.


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Tuesday, February 1st 2005, 9:23am


Originally posted by Ithekro
Hmmm....I wonder what you have in mind for such a thing.

Making money..... What else did you expect?! ;o)


Tuesday, February 1st 2005, 9:32am

Yes, something Atlantis seems to find difficult due to outside meddling, which is fine...... less hands in the cookie jar of Atlantian technology!


Wednesday, February 2nd 2005, 3:30am

What are you working on the anti-matter drive still? I thought your people solved that 3,000 years ago.


Wednesday, February 2nd 2005, 6:30am

That and we can't figure out how to get those phasers we keep sneaking into designs to work alongside the anti-matter drive, phased cloaking device and multi phasic sheilds.

Currently our "Vingula" project gives us hope that we can get our crewmen to act like subservient drones by mere thoughts alone.

I think this thread has been officially highjacked so I'll turn it over to Hoo's capable hands!


Thursday, February 3rd 2005, 12:48am

Got it!

the gent in question is responsible for........

It's amazing how well Danes can blend in.........

Spearfish, eh...... HAAAA!


Thursday, February 3rd 2005, 6:39am

Hmmmm very interesting propulsion device. Seems like a money pit to me but then again South Africa will undoubtedly recieve help from a very interested Raj or some other party, all it takes is money!

I have to wait a few years for a few of my own devices to be created.


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Thursday, February 3rd 2005, 9:15am

Well, I thought I better try something different.... :o)