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Saturday, February 11th 2006, 2:37pm

Poland have decided that the P Class from Normark will be orderd.Ship was chosen for its number of reloads satisfacional AA armemant and good antishiping capabylites.

The Philipino design SS-30P Mk III was a admirality favorite but funds did not alove to buy this class in sufitent number's.
The other favorite was the German Type P.Hawing large number of reloads. That ship how ever lost becose of its lower diving dept.

Poland wish to thank all participants for attending.All design we formidable and all are aprecheated.

OOC:I realy liked Swamphen's ship.But it was to big and I decided that I will not brake my own rules for the competition.


Saturday, February 11th 2006, 4:59pm

No problemo.

It's entirely possible that the SS-30P Mk III will be developed into something for the AdF... ;-)