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Saturday, August 27th 2005, 11:19pm

Francesco Morosini

I re-drew Francesco Morosini to make her look more like Aquila/Europa. Also reverted to a single hangar deck as historical.


Saturday, August 27th 2005, 11:49pm

Overall I like her but I think her Island looks rather bland, perhaps moving some of those light guns to sponsons along her island would make her look more balanced visually.


Sunday, August 28th 2005, 10:56am

I can see what you mean. I'll try and do something about it.


Sunday, August 28th 2005, 10:51pm

I don't recall but does Francesco Morosini retain her original machinery layout as her Battlecruiser cousins? If so you have an addition for your Francesco Caracciolo drawing.

I don't know about you but some of my ship drawings are in their third incarnation as my drawing skills improve, which benifits the others I've yet to draw.


Monday, August 29th 2005, 10:08am

She retains the same general layout as the Caracciolos, but with more powerful machinery. My drawings are getting incrementally improved as well.


Monday, August 29th 2005, 11:15am our eyesight gets worse from staring at the computer screen! I've spent this Sunday drawing two of my destroyer leader CL's off and on all day!


Monday, August 29th 2005, 2:03pm

Nice pic, the crane is useless - I can't see how it could fish a plane out of the drink and get it to the flight deck. I'd try the after end of the superstructure.

The uptakes from the port boilers must be horizontal.



Monday, August 29th 2005, 2:45pm

The crane is more for the boats and general equipment. Boilers; I've no idea how it was done historically, but it was.