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Monday, May 7th 2007, 3:05am

Glad you liked the interview. :) There was more I wanted to add but got distracted when the reporter steered the questions away from where I had intended. :D

Also realised I forgot the footnote, which would be that in @ that record, set by the historical SEV-3XP in 1936, still stands today...

On the DQ...I would assume that as part of the entry the aircraft would have a "declared specification". I.E. the removal of the armour on the Mexican entry, the chicanery with the Germans' engines, etc. was stated in advance as part of the plan. The SAE entry, after the Eight Mile Race, was checked and (supposedly ;) ) didn't square with its "declared" weight. Therefore... :evil:

1936 should be interesting. Siam will likely have what in @ was the VEF I-16, while The Empire will have the analogue Beefalo.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Swamphen" (May 7th 2007, 3:07am)


Monday, May 7th 2007, 5:50pm


The SAE entry, after the Eight Mile Race, was checked and (supposedly) didn't square with its "declared" weight. Therefore...

If there were weight categories, I can undersand that, but there are no weight categories so the DQ is unjustified.
Japan's standpoint: If the South African F-6B remains disqualified for the 8 Mile Race Group 4, then Mexico's A-1 Mapache shouldn't even have been allowed to participate and the Germans should definitely be disqualified as well.


Saturday, May 12th 2007, 4:21pm

Loads of controversy this year it seems!

After last years rule breaking and this years expect the rules to tighten for future events.

The disqualifiction of the F-6 was due to an irregularity. All fighters are weighed before and after each event (minus fuel and pilot but with ballast). After the race the F-6 seemed to have lost some weight, not much but enough to show up. Maybe it was a dodgy weighbridge or maybe it just seemed the perfect situation for the Argentine judges to exploit. I thought this was obvious in the report. In contrast the Mexican and German 'dodges' were declared at the start and the judges made allowances for this. If Germany has suddenly wheeled out an extra engine or if the Mapache armour was 'stolen' overnight then disqualification would result.

I agree the Mapache has an unrealisitic rate of climb and I moderated the figure for the event. A lack of coherent stats in both books and websites makes the calculations hard to make for a 3000m zoom. May go back to the 5000m event. The patchyness of the altitude event report reveals the sketchy data I had to work with even using real-life figures.


Saturday, May 12th 2007, 5:50pm


4. Engine tuning is allowed and some engine modifications, superchargers may be fitted to improve performance and fuel additives may be used.

Engine tuning etc is allowed. That's it. Nothing else is allowed when it comes to the engine so engine swapping is illegal even if it is declared before the competition. End of story. If it was allowed, why did you even bother putting that fourth point in there?

Having discussed this matter with the Japanese competitors, it is decided that Japan calls out the next results to be the true results of Cordoba, not the results given by the biased Cordoba officials:


1 - Doolittle
2 - de Benardi
3 - Capitan Valenzuela
4 - Layne "Slider" Cassius
5 - Navy Flight Lieu Jacob Huyrluyt
6 - Vicente Cortázar
7 - Flight Lt. Harry "Wings" Day
8 - Navy Flight Lieu G.F. Jongbloed
9 - FO Suan Sukhserm
10 - Major S. Castro
11 - Marco Alabastro
12 - Lt. Hawk
13 - Lt. Ricco
14 - Baron Soontir Fel
15 - Capitão Moura
16 - Tyrus "Bulldog" Hadrian
17 - Frantisek Fajtl
18 - Adolph Malan
19 - Lieut. Patrick Ryan O'Connell
20 - Ronnie Hellström
21 - Major C. Pallavincio
22 - Flying Officer Basil Heath
23 - Flt Lt. Phol Thongpricha
24 - Captain Anbumani Kadam
25 - Captain Tuchar Yechary
26 - Josef Franti¨ek
27 - Wing Commander Otto Larsen
28 - Captain Thomas Kreuger
29 - Santa Cruz de la Sierra Republic



- Werner Moelders
- General Ernst Udet
- Teniente Cielocaminante

Withdrawn from competition and scrapped from the results:


- Minoru Genda
- Mitsuo Fuchida

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Rooijen10" (May 12th 2007, 5:50pm)


Sunday, May 13th 2007, 12:05pm

In my opinion the Sprint engine is a modified DB-601, therefore is allowed under the rules, where does it say you have to have only one engine per plane? It does not, I assume all teams carry spares, the DB-600 being a totally different engine could be classed as illegal I'll agree. Of course any team could lie before an event and say "oh the engine we were going to use is bust so were changing it (for a better model)" but the Germans did no such thing they fully informed the judges. Anyhow even with the standard DB-601 the 109 would have whipped all before it... :)

The Mapache being modified before the event should pose no problems, maybe a new name or designation might have saved the trouble caused.

Japan seems very vocal on the issue, self-sacrifice seems an odd move. By 1936 I'll have new much tighter rules on what can and can't be allowed, at the moment what is allowed is not specified only what isn't .

Folks, don't read too much into the F-6 incident it's just there to give you all a taster of the complex relations in South America at the moment.


Sunday, May 13th 2007, 2:22pm


In my opinion the Sprint engine is a modified DB-601

Which makes it a different engine from the standard DB-601 they use. They're of the same type but are completely different.


where does it say you have to have only one engine per plane?
spare engines

Well I did say:


As I read the rules, you're only allowed to use the one enigne that is in the plane (and any necessary backup engines of the same type with the same tuning/modifications/etc. should the main engine fail dramatically).

... so that should be obvious.


where does it say you have to have only one engine per plane
different engines

If that is the case, then point four of the 'rules' you have posted in the other thread is useless. That's what is allowed with the engine and it does not include swaping with different engines.


The Mapache being modified before the event should pose no problems, maybe a new name or designation might have saved the trouble caused.

True. The new designation would have made it legal.


Japan seems very vocal on the issue, self-sacrifice seems an odd move.

Well, it's cheating. Clear as day. It is like an athlete visibly taking performance enhancing drugs which can clearly be seen by all the officials and the entire public.
... and the self-sacrifice should be obvious. If that move wasn't done, others would accuse the Japanese of trying to take advantage and raise the positions of their pilots.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Rooijen10" (May 13th 2007, 2:24pm)


Sunday, May 13th 2007, 11:23pm

...and we all know (or will know soon) that the Japanese are very good at self sacrifice!


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Tuesday, June 12th 2007, 9:18pm

I need dates for the event to write my Q3 news. When did the whole thing start for example? Thanks.


Wednesday, June 13th 2007, 1:40pm

It would be the second week in August, lets say the 14th is the starting date. The whole event lasts 11 days.


Wednesday, June 13th 2007, 3:25pm

Now I could be wrong but I thought you mentioned September somewhere which is also the month I had used in my news report...


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Wednesday, June 13th 2007, 4:29pm

So is it August or September?


Thursday, June 14th 2007, 1:40pm

What happened was I planned to always hold Talons in August but there was some confusion over when the MacRobertson Race was and so I suggested it was later on nearer September. We can go for September.


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Thursday, June 14th 2007, 3:11pm

So 14th of September then....


Saturday, June 16th 2007, 2:29pm

Yes, fine with me.