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Sunday, July 10th 2016, 2:31am

Convention of Constantinople (1888)

While I recognize that the question is somewhat academic, is the subject treaty presume to be in effect in Wesworld?


Sunday, July 10th 2016, 2:54am

I'd presume so.

It's my understanding that the canal itself is still majority owned (and presumably operated) by the French Compagnie de Suez, with a minority British and Italian stake. France still hasn't figured out a good way to force the Italian fingers out of that pot.


Sunday, July 10th 2016, 3:11am

I'd presume so.

It's my understanding that the canal itself is still majority owned (and presumably operated) by the French Compagnie de Suez, with a minority British and Italian stake. France still hasn't figured out a good way to force the Italian fingers out of that pot.

If we had an Italian player you could make them an offer they couldn't refuse... :D


Sunday, July 10th 2016, 12:37pm

Yes, I'd presume the same as Brock.
I'd say at this point it might well be Egypt wanting a finger in the pot or all the pot that might be of greater concern than the status of Italy's share!
Actually it probably makes sense for Italy to have a stake, would make a good what-if for 1930-45 history if Mussolini already had a stake in the most vital asset in the western Middle East.