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Sunday, February 6th 2005, 7:24pm


No, that 's an old guess and it's still wrong.

I know but that doesn't change the fact that whenever I look at it, it makes me think that it is a floating ICBM platform.
But I think it could be used to transport giant Mecha around or transport a lot of construction materials to build a base on a distant island or on the Antarctic or as a base for airships to operate from. If you have enough Hydrogen, you might actually succeed in lifting that thing out of the water (yeah right!).


Sunday, February 6th 2005, 7:55pm

I tried to persuade Mac to make Loki into a "bomb ship" with 6000t of explosives as cargo. So we might not have nukes yet, but we can get the same sort of effects.


Sunday, February 6th 2005, 7:58pm


I tried to persuade Mac to make Loki into a "bomb ship" with 6000t of explosives as cargo.

Well, if an enemy bomber were to drop a bomb in it while it was still in a Danish port, I doubt there would be much left of that port. Does seem rather risky.
BTW why not use 5000 tons of explosives and 1000 tons of nails?


Sunday, February 6th 2005, 8:14pm

How about a giant floating refridgerator? Liquidate your opponents and put them on ice. :-)


Sunday, February 6th 2005, 8:32pm

Someone, I won't say who, is VERY close!!


Monday, February 7th 2005, 2:37am


Well, a torpedo boat carrier would be a very interesting way to protect a ship/convoy if you suspected it to be attacked in the ocean. Seaplanes would also be suitable, and more conventional in terms of it actually being a seaplane carrier. I'm guessing based on the large number of cranes around the two holds.

If the boats were small enough, potentially the ship could deploy eight fairly quickly with the number of cranes it has.


Monday, February 7th 2005, 3:55am

A case for Mr. Holmes...

OK, let's take this from the top.

Loki has 30 "cargo cells". With 6,000 tons misc. weight, that's a maximum of 200 tons per "cell". (Some tonnage will be taken up by cranes and whatnot, but that's the maximum.)

Now things can, of course, be "stacked" in each cell, but that's another can 'o worms...

Each cell is 25 feet by 10 feet. So that narrows things down some more.

With all those cranes, the ship is obviously designed for 'self-contained' loading and unloading, without regard to port facilities.

Torpedo-boat carrier? Well, we know that that's at best "very close" - and doesn't make sense anyway. Without any armour, they would run a high risk of having their base sunk, leaving them stranded.

Seaplane carrier? You'd have to disassemble the 'planes to fit them in the holds, so that's not a really plausible idea.

So, that leaves us with one mission I rank as "high probability".

I hereby declare Loki to be some form of amphibious-warfare ship, designed to launch small craft filled with Danish Commandoes.

Y'know, I've heard crow tastes mighty good with a little ketchup...


Monday, February 7th 2005, 4:10am


A case for Mr. Holmes...

But I am Mr. Holmes....


Monday, February 7th 2005, 5:14am



Monday, February 7th 2005, 6:44am

A container ship without the advantage of a container terminal? A landing ship without the advantage of being RORO?

With the capacity of cranes/sheer legs I guess you can't put too much in 10 by 10 by 25ft containers. WW2 landing craft were pushing 20t unloaded and that was too heavy for ships to handle.

Danish? - King Kong's Lego bricks?



Monday, February 7th 2005, 7:39am

The image of the containers could be a facade to hide its true purpose.


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Monday, February 7th 2005, 9:15am

I wonder what the danish CDS has two submerged torpedo tubes for? Doesn´t that mean there is a breech in the TDS - and in mine infested waters?

SS notes aside, I also wonder if there is enough space for crew qaurters to house 500+ sailors.....?!


Monday, February 7th 2005, 2:58pm

Well, seeing as she's too small to have any real sort of TDS, it shouldn't be a problem. ;)


Monday, February 7th 2005, 9:21pm

I guess if she happens to be near my target, she'd worry me. But if she wasn't, I'd have nothing to worry about.

Given that you'll most likely be engaging another capital ship at long range, why not cut the belt armor down to ~12 cm and beef up the deck armor? It'll improve her chances of surviving such an encounter, while not really impacting her ability to survive a CA encounter...


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Tuesday, February 8th 2005, 9:19am

Good proposal.

I also think it is not that good an idea to compare this kind of CDS with others build around the globe. The situation in the Baltic is completely different to most other places and the cliffty coast of most countries in that region ask for different design build for different tasks and for different tactics.

A CDS like the one proposed for the Danish Navy or one like those US "monitors" doesn´t make much sense for the RSAN for example. The coastline of our Empire doesn´t consist of so many small islands or fjords where one could hide a CDS and use it to block the entrance into such waters. Thus manoverability and speed are much more important as the RSAN has to operate in relatively open waters.

So while I have no doubts a CDS like the Danish could easily defeat RSAN Nagelring in a shoot-out I also have no doubts those ships or ships of their kind will never meet - and the low speed of those real CDS design will make it impossible to force a unit like RSAN Nagelring into a fight.

Your thoughts on this?


Tuesday, February 8th 2005, 3:55pm

Who are you asking?

If me, then I concede your point. I'm guilty of thinking in terms of operations around India. Heavy belt armor might be preferred over deck armor in an area like the Baltic if the combat range is expected to be relatively close.

It's interesting to see how people use this tonnage. I still don't value it enough to have it supercede construction of conventional warships, but then, my position might be different if I had a larger industrial base.


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Tuesday, February 8th 2005, 4:17pm

Tell me about a large industrial basis. I just prepared my buildng plan for 1927 and it turned out I´ll need all but 2 of my factories to get all the material I need - and that already includes material recovered from scrapping. The escort building program turned out to be expensive. Costs (including rebuilds) increased from 85 million US$ to 90 million per year. But that´s a different story...

Regarding CDS - you´re right, it´s probably the most interesting of all categories. First of all we do not stick to historical designs or use hindsight like we do for other categories and second the definition of CDS used for the CT allows a variety of very different designs.

If India will use it´s tonnage allotment for CDS I expect them to build ship more cruiser-like then mini-BB-like. But that´s probably just me... :o)

