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Kaiser Kirk

Lightbringer and former European Imperialist

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Thursday, February 21st 2008, 6:53am

Now that we've dealt with the missing July-August events in the last post, we return to our regularly scheduled late September programming..

The Batavia Bugle September 28th
Surjadi Soedirdja , Royal Governor of the province of New Guinea, has introduced a Stewardship law to establish goals and minimal standards for potential developers of the provincial land or mineral resources, and requiring district or provincial administrations to ensure regional tribespeople are consulted prior to permission for development being granted.

The rumors of the law have already garnered opposition from those who desire more outside capital and do not wish to see tribepeople gain especial privileges compared to the small urban population. As district boundaries were generally drawn to include entire tribes, the detractors feel the tribes already have representation at the district level.

The Amsterdam Advocate September 29th
Minister Loeder announced yesterday in Riyadh that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Mutawakkilite Kingdom of Yemen had agreed to a border agreement, to be called the Treaty of Taif (2).

The two Kingdoms have intermittently fought over the border region in years past, leading to some confusion as to if they were technically still at war, despite past collaboration. . Following his conversations with the King of Yemen, Herr Loeder was well situated to negotiate a border agreement between the two states. , there had been The treaty features a preamble of good intentions and calling for unity on the Arabian Penninsula. The Treaty goes on to eliminate any doubt as to if a state of war, commits the parties to clear communications, bans fortified positions along the border, describing said border in meets and bounds, and committing the two Kingdoms and their inhabitants from seeking to cause harm to the other.

The Amsterdam Advocate September 30thth
Minister Loeder followed yesterdays announcement of the Treaty of Taif, with a new announcement today. Speaking from Riyadh, Herr Loeder indicated that a several point agreement had been reached with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The agreement is loosely based on that with the Kingdom of Yemen and has several points.

The agreement awards a lease of land for an enclave, and berthing rights at Damman port to the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The Netherlands pledges to provide military equipment for defensive purposes, with the latter provision subject to conversion to a monetary payment of payment of 500,000 guilders per annum.

In contrast to the agreement with the Kingdom of Yemen, two additional pledges were attached to the agreement. The first is a pledge to safeguard the lives and property of foreign pilgrims, travelers and workers, so long as they comply with the laws of the Kingdom. The second is an affirmation that the Kingdom of Saudia Arabia would respect the boundaries of Hedjaz and the Asir Mandate, for as long as Asir remained a League protectorate.

Herr Loeder provided a short statement  This opportunity was not sought, but could not be passed over. This provides Dutch companies with secure port and an enclave in which regional headquarters and warehouses may be established. The Kingdom of Saudia Arabia has suffered some instability and rouge elements since the Asir conflict and wishes to revitalize its defense forces. Given that the Kingdom was held responsible for the Asir conflict, the agreement has been restricted to defensive armaments, there shall be no heavy bombers or heavy artillery pieces, such as would be suitable for the offensive, involved. Further pledges were agreed on to reassure the League of the peaceable intent of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

OOC : While checking to make sure I didnt make another As Saleef oops, I noted that the Indian-Yemeni agreement of Jan 2, 1933 called for a Plebiscite in Asir in two years& Jan 2, 1935. Due to the change in Indian players, and the fact everyone forgot about it& Im not going to try to make political hay of that.

(2) historically in 1934, but delayed here...

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Kaiser Kirk" (Feb 21st 2008, 6:55am)