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Saturday, March 25th 2006, 12:01am

OT fencing

Since I know that there are other fencers here, I'll post these. This was last weekend, me fencing for the first time in 15 months or so. I am in blue.

<a href="">left hand forward</a>

<a href="">
he had hit me in the arm, so I could not use it any more</a>

<a href="">beginning a half step lunge</a>

<a href="">1 bout later, killed him and hand parrying his sword.</a>


Saturday, March 25th 2006, 12:13am

Nice pictures Bernhard. The attire is kinda different from what I'm used to. The piste seems a bit ropey as well. I notice the practice post in the background. I just tend to use a tree and an ex-light cav sabre to build up arm muscles and dexterity.

The hand-parry looks nicely executed. You know I mainly do foil, I've now perfected the arm parry. Step into the attack and slightly sideways but be ready to parry with the blade if it might hit. Usually it works well and the follow-up is an easy undefensible poke to the chest.


Saturday, March 25th 2006, 12:23am

thanks Gavin

as to the piste - I have fenced on much worse, including mud where we were asked not to go to our knees when legged.

the thing is, when both opponents hand-parry that simple deadly riposte is not so easy. also the foil really come from the age of manirism(sp?) where handparries were AFAIK not tolerated any more. we also do secondaries, just not in that tourney. nobody had brought enough kit ;) Also I am authorised in a lot more stuff than the other two, so it would not have been fair.

the swords we are using are rapier simulators. and looking at the erectile problems the one I am using is having I now know why I dislike it that much. My own sadly needs replacing, blade has a permanent kink. Blade lenght in both cases is 45".

oh attire: as we are a reenactment society, we try to wear period garb. I have a modern fencing jacket underneath.


Saturday, March 25th 2006, 12:49am


Love the ringing sound of the clash of good steel...

Nice pics, and the piste is probably a decent simulation of dewey grass at first light.


Saturday, March 25th 2006, 12:54am

thanks Stu

wish that there was that much planning involved. The piste came from:

"if we fence on this grass it's gonna turn into mud"
"hey, there is some cool plastic lying around, let's use it"

and it actually had excellent grip.


Monday, March 27th 2006, 1:28am

Excellent photos, LA. Thanks for sharing.


Big Rich