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Friday, January 28th 2005, 1:44am

Kharkhov Kourier - 3 February 1926

Russian State Railroad Company RosPoezd announced today an investment of 100,000,000 Rubles in Chinese railroad system, to develop additional line from Henyang to Kunming, where it will link to existing line to Hanoi and Saigon, French Indochina, and improve maintenance system on existing lines. Locomotives for new line will be manufactured at Kharkhov Locomotive Works to Standard gauge used in China. Other elements of investment, at insistence of Chinese government, is program to train Chinese personnel in all aspects of maintaining and managing railroad systems.

It is expected that this line will greatly facilitate trade in rubber, oil, and manufactured goods between Russia and Indochina, with significant revenue in freight charges and transit taxes going to Chinese economy and Chinese government.

Pursuant to this investment, Chinese Military Attache General Feng Huisang inspected a number of Russian armored trains and railroad guns, with gun calibers ranging from 76mm in a car-mounted turret to 356mm gun on T-1 railway mount and observed firepower demonstration provided by 23rd Gun Artillery Brigade of ARVGK, equipped with new A-19 122mm Corps Gun, a precise weapon of outstanding range, developed for counterbattery mission. This gun fires a 22kg shell to a range of 20km


Friday, January 28th 2005, 2:25am

The Manila Times
8 February 1926

While declining to make any official comments, several highly-placed figures in the Filipino government unofficially expressed concern about recent Russian activity in China.

One official wondered, what would Russia do if the railroad line, costing "at least" 100 million rubles, were to be threatened, by either external forces or the chronic Chinese internal instability...?


Friday, January 28th 2005, 3:26am

Petrograd Post 10 February 1926

We find it interesting that apparently, Filipino officials question both defense capability and internal stability of a country they began reconstructing a battleship for just a few weeks ago. We wonder how they concealed their contempt for China long enough to win contract. Their words do however speak eloquently about real attitudes behind "anti-Imperialist" rhetoric in which SATSUMA has recently indulged.


Friday, January 28th 2005, 6:57am

The Raj responds:

"As the Petrograd Post accurately notes, the nations of SATSUMA have voiced anti-imperialist sentiments. I have, of course, uttered some of those sentiments. Naturally, there will be some critical analysis of foreign activities in Asian nations.

"As SATSUMA consists of five distinct nations, our individual analyses may differ from time to time. In this case, I'm not particularly concerned that Chinese sovereignty or security is threatened by the recent Russian announcement.

"Truthfully, the development of infrastructure in our colonized neighbours is something that I encourage. Industrialization and the facilitation of two -way trade between Russia, China, and Indochina will benefit our neighbours.

"Frankly, I'm inclined to see if China and Russia are interested in running a spur line west into northeastern India. The engineering would be challenging, but we could contribute to the expenses, with the end result that additional four -way trade could be expected to benefit all."


Friday, January 28th 2005, 8:08am

Illisus Post, 11 February

The Atlantian Foreign Minister, Maren Xanthus praised the recent Russian/Chinese contract.

" The fact that Russia and China are co-operating proves that peacefull and prosperous interaction is possible without harsh rhetoric, and I'm quite pleased that the Raj himself has taken quite an interest in these developements."

Relations between the various nations in FAR and SATSUMA have been unpredictable since SATSUMA's inception.

"India and Atlantis have the most unusual relation between all the nations involved" stated an Atlantian observer, "both are conservative, for the most part in their foriegn policy, and yet they have often clashed as a result of support for their respective allies."

One opposition leader refered to SATSUMA as the "Asian Hydra" with many heads, all with different attitudes in reguards to foriegn policy snapping at one another over scraps, this comment even sparked many a political cartoon in the daily papers.

The foriegn minister went on, "hopefully this leads to improved relations between the two alliances, we very much respect the Indians views, hopefully they can bridge the devide."


Friday, January 28th 2005, 5:26pm

The Manila Evening Times
13 February 1926

Almirante de la Vega today responded to comments made in the Russian newspaper Petrograd Post on the 10th:

"We do not, in any manner, question the ability of the Chinese to defend themselves. In fact we are rebuilding these Chinese ships in order to enhance that capability.

"However we note that there are many factions in China, not all of them happy with the Chinese Central Government; and many apolitical groups of bandits, as well. Any of whom might see a railroad line - built by wealthy foreign devils, no less! - as a tempting target."


Friday, January 28th 2005, 11:05pm

Petrograd Post, 15 February 1926


"We do not, in any manner, question the ability of the Chinese to defend themselves. In fact we are rebuilding these Chinese ships in order to enhance that capability.

Then we may be confident that Filipino concerns about threats to this rail line by "...external forces..." have been addressed to satisfaction of Filipino government, and expect to hear no more about them.


"However we note that there are many factions in China, not all of them happy with the Chinese Central Government; and many apolitical groups of bandits, as well. Any of whom might see a railroad line - built by wealthy foreign devils, no less! - as a tempting target."

Rail line in question will be constructed almost entirely by a Chinese work force, and its subsequent operation and management will be taken in hand by Chinese personnel trained to their tasks in Russia, as provided quite explicitly in RosPoezd proposal. We are confident that effect of Henyang - Kunming rail line will be to strengthen China's economy and governance, especially given evident economic benefits to this part of China and conspicuous absence of "...foreign devils..." involved in running it. And should disorders manifest themselves anyway, well, that is why General Feng showed interest in Russian armored trains and artillery...