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Kaiser Kirk

Lightbringer and former European Imperialist

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Saturday, March 17th 2012, 8:19am

plane plans made plain

So, some time ago I reluctantly agreed to update the Dutch Land & Aviation equipment by pointing to historical analogies. I've started the task a couple of times, but find it gets large fast as there are allot of equipment subtypes.

So..before I get to far in, I thought I'd put up my thought process and then the type of thing I plan, and see if that meets folks needs.'s what I got.


OTL Dutch aircraft stopped evolving in 1940, which was 1935-1937 in Wesworld. I am no longer willing to planebuilder each model of aircraft through the years and do the leg work to ensure they are competitive but not overwhelming contrasted to the large number of aircraft offered in various encyclopedias. So, rather than post specific aircraft, this is a list of the base models and the direction in which they will evolve in terms of historical aircraft.

That doesn't mean they are clones- the D.XXIII turning into the Do335..keeps the twin booms, it's the pusher/puller layout that marries the two planes.


For existing plane, some avenues of progression are obvious.

The historical Fokker G-1 was already split into two types- the Fokker G-1A jachtkruiser and the Fokker G-1B (radial) & C( inline) heavy fighter. Historically, the Fokker G-1 had the at the time unprecedented weapons loadout of either 2x23mm+2xMG, or 8xMGs, leading to a nickname of “Reaper”. The G-1 was displayed in the November 1936 Paris airshow. Three months later the USAAC specifications that led to the P-38 Lightning were issued.

So the G-1A jachtkruiser would develop towards the fast armed bomber – something like a Me410. The G-1A.2 version last seen at Talons was making 382mph and could climb up to 3,033fps
The G-1C trends towards the P-38, and the next version might stay “twin boom” with the performance of an F-7F. while the G-1A becomes.

Other twin-boom & central nacelle type planes for futuredevelopment would make sense.

A “G-2” photo reconn version was planned, using the Praga picture but with performance similar to the F-5A/B or Hughes XF-11, as was a FW-189 type plane.

A “G-3” playing the roll of the P-61 Night Widow was in the works as well.

Likewise, the Koolhoven F.K. 55 was a mid-engine plane with 1x20mm motorcannon and 4xMG, a mockup was displayed at the November 1936 Paris Airshow, and 3 months later in February 1937 the USAAC specifications that led to the P-39 Airacobra were issued. Then came the P-63 king Cobra in 1943. Now, the USAAC stripped out the turbochargers, which is why these planes didn't perform as interceptors, while I would have them supercharged.

In wesworld it had the same development problems as Koolhoven's original, eventually being reworked (storyline for delay of switching from +5 to +3) and presented as the FK 59.

Then there was the D.XXIII, a pusher-puller who's prototype flew in 1939. In Wesworld, development started under the +5 rule, was delayed and continued under the +3 rule, and a scaled up version entered service in Wesworld, making 427mph at Talons- thats with the engines a bit derated, it's design with potential. The Do 335 would seem a logical analog for performance stats of the the later production, and when the layout is converted to jets, the Saab21 and then DeHavilland Vampire have similar twin boom layouts.

Etc etc.

So it will look something like this

Dutch Plane Progression

Weaponry will continue to be “Dutch” with 23mm, 20mm, 13.2mm and 7.92mm.

Within those calibers there has been progression already, from Madsen 20/23mm, and Mauser 13.2mm, to FN-Madsen and FN-Mauser variants. These variants focus on simplified production, minor improvements, and for the 23mm and 13.2mm- revamped ammunition with improved ballistics and mv.

In the future, the Fokker-Liemberger minigun for strafing will be dusted off and enter production, and the GAST 13.2mm will eventually lead to a GAST 23mm like the GSH-23, while a ShKAS style MG will be introduced.

Dutch engines will keep to analogs of Bristol radials/Hispano-Suiza light inlines/Napier Saber heavy inlines, mainly produced by Minerva.

Heavy Fighter : D.XXIIIA/E --> Do335 --> Saab 21R--> DH Vampire/Venom/Vixen
Heavy Fighter : G-1B/C --> P-38J/L--> F-7F
Fighter : FK.55 --> FK.59--> P-39Q--> P63C/E
Reconn : …..--> F-5A
FO : C.X ’--> C.X --> FW189

Etc etc through the plane types.

So..that make sense for a start?

This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "Kaiser Kirk" (Mar 17th 2012, 8:22am)


Sunday, March 18th 2012, 3:00pm

I see no major problems with this approach. I think its ok to use the OTL type specs for these future aircraft. It's not neccessary to planebuild every new type a sensible bloke can pretty much get a ballpark figure from OTL data.
Looking forward to seeing more.