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Wednesday, January 23rd 2008, 6:57am


Hi everyone, im TheCanadian. I actually just discovered this site and think its pretty cool. Anyhow, id like to contribute some of my warship designs. I must say that im just starting, so they probably aren't very good but hopefully will get better in time.


Wednesday, January 23rd 2008, 7:20am

Welcome to the forums Canadian, feel free to post your designs and comment on the sims events. It might also help to post a little bit about yourself.


Wednesday, January 23rd 2008, 8:54am

Very well, lets see, i live in northern alberta, am 21, am a first year collage student, i just discovered springsharp the other day so some of my designs might not be that great. Hows that?


Wednesday, January 23rd 2008, 5:13pm

Its a good start!

Kaiser Kirk

Lightbringer and former European Imperialist

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Wednesday, January 23rd 2008, 5:18pm

Howdy !

Designs improve with times and comments, and it's fun to tinker and discuss.

Kaiser kirk


Wednesday, January 23rd 2008, 8:19pm

Welcome, Canadian! I myself am usually an active lurker about these parts but I occasionally pop up to say something. Like hello ;)