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Tuesday, March 21st 2006, 1:42am

Bangkok Bugle, January 2, 1930

Today is a great day for Siam.

Today sees the start of local construction of vessels for our navy. The patrol gunboat "Bumroong Boonyuen" had it's keel laid down this morning in a ceremony attended by His Majesty, and various dignitaries from the government.

"This is the begining of a new era for Siam. We see today the fruits of many years labours by the people of this ancient nation. From this day forward we begin to be able to defend ourselves with ships built by Siamese hands, in Siamese shipyards. With the help of our Danish friends, we shall move forward to design our own ships, suited for our needs."


Tuesday, March 21st 2006, 3:29am

The Raj sends his congratulations to his Siamese neighbours on this step forward in Siamese self-determination. It is his hope that the Bumroong Boonyuen enjoys a long, honorable, and peaceful career.