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Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Monday, July 9th 2007, 8:44pm

SAE newsflash Q3/34 - Part I

Q3 1934 Newsflash

Durban. The laying down of the second Radiance-class vessel is celebrated in the Navy´s Yard in Durban Harbour today. The ship will enter service in summer 1936 if work can progress as planned. Next to her the new aircraft carrier with hull number 384 takes shape as the workers add plate after plate to her graceful hull.

Corrientes. The situation in all refugee camps along the border to Paraguay is still critical. Due to deficient sanitary circumstances and insufficient supply of food and drugs many people have become ill. Supply convoys ease the pressure on the aid organisations but only in those camps close to the Rio de la Plata and the Rio Paraguay. In camps further away and less reachable malaria and other epidemics have begun to spread. According to Red Cross officials the loss of life in these camps will be tremendous if no further efforts will be started to help the camps inhabitants.

Montevideo. The increasing violence in all refugee camps and even more so among people who did not yet make it to a camp has made the situation indefensible despite the SAE intention to not meddle into the affairs of a sovereign power. The raging gangs on both sides of the border have to be arrested or otherwise stopped. To achieve such goal SAE military forces need to install total control over the area in question. Where possible this will happen in co-operation with loyal governmental forces in Paraguay but serious doubts exist if there still are Paraguayan Army forces operating next to the border. Instead information available to the SAE government indicates there are Brazilean and Argentinean individuals trying to fan the flames to get their share of the existing black market. After consultation of Pretoria the government of Grand Uruguay thus decided to install a secure area at the border to Paraguay similar to the Argentineans defensive de-militarised zone.

Buenos Aires. A mere three month after The People Help People Foundation started to help Paraguayan families more than 500 godparents in both Argentina and Grand Uruguay have been found. A stunning success for a private organisation it was possible only because so many others were willing to help. Emanuel Martinez, an Argentinean noble man and founding member of PHP: We were surprised just how many people, no matter where they come from, want to help. Those first 500 are only phase one. We have enough offers for another 500 and opposing any prejudice most of these are not from wealthy families. Across all social positions responsible persons and families are offering help. This is probably the most notable thing.

Asuncion. The first time a river convoy brought Dutch funded material to the various refugee camps. The Pfennings for Paraguay initiative expresses the Dutch peoples sympathy for the poor and suffering in Paraquay. Due to the ongoing fighting supply such as water, grain, salt and other important goods cannot directly be delivered into Paraguay. Raging bands near the borders to Argentina, Brazil or Grand Uruguay do not allow the use of those few roads still intact. Every attempt has led to disaster so far and military forces are not yet allowed to operate on Paraguayan territory and trails aside can only be used by horses which lack the speed and capacity to be of much help. Hence only those that made it to the refugee camps can hope to get some help from the Dutch magnanimity.

Mildenhall. Preparations for the Great McRobertson Race from England to the land down under  also known as Australia  are making good progress. Covering three continents and a distance of more than 16,000 miles the race will be all aviators greatest adventure since the first take-off of the Wright brothers on the 17th December 1903.

Encarnacion. Elements of the Army began to build new rough-and-ready roads to known refugee camps and other locations further away from rivers and thus from help. Official governmental statements indicate the new makeshift infrastructure is meant to help feed the people that fled the war in Paraguay. Critics, however, note that these roads work may also be part of the armed forces´ preparations to install a security zone planned along the border and provide the basics for military operations into Paraguay which still is a sovereign state.

Brazzaville. Military exercises with the Dutch began with both naval and land operations. For the first time joint elements of Dutch and South African ground, air and naval forces will train to cooperate. Until 9th of August several scenarios are planned to allow some insight into both allies command structure and doctrines. Goal of these exercises is to reduce communications issues and install a joint signal code which may come handy should enemy forces threaten a SANTA partner in Africa or elsewhere.

Durban. The Royal South African Navy battleship Koning Frederik II left Durban Harbour today to sail for Peru. Being one of the oldest units still in service with the navy the ship was taken out of service several month ago in accordance to the Arms Limitation Treaty signed in the city of Cleito when newer units entered service.

Encarnacion. Scouts in the border region saw an unknown plane with engine troubles going down a few miles into Paraguayan territory. As the plane came down more or less controlled a platoon was send to see if help is necessary. 7 miles into Paraguay they found the plane  an Brazilian Embraer with Paraguayan markings painted on it - and her pilot. The young male of probably 22 years was wounded and unconscious. The platoon brought the pilot and several papers that could be recovered from the plane to their camp to have a doctor check the man. The aviator did not regain consciousness during the transport but due to the documents found in his Embraer he is believed to be Brazilian  thus being a clear evidence of Brazil´s interference into Paraguayan affairs.

Encarnacion. The young unknown pilot recovered from a plane crash two days ago is conscious again. He will most likely recover from his injuries. So while this is good news in general it will also allow our intelligence service to interview the man regarding his origin and mission which seems most important given the situation in Paraguay. As reported two days ago there is strong evidence the man is Brazilean. However, it is not yet clear why he flew in an Embraers with Paraguayan markings over territory clearly in the hands of rebel forces. Diplomats and military commanders already ring alarm bells regarding the implications open Brazilean support of the rebels could have. Combined with reports of increasing arms smuggle across both Argentinean and Brazilean borders some already paint a grim scenario of an open conflict at our front door.

London. After skipping their contract with Italy on the 19th of June the British have signed a treaty with the SAE regarding the joint use of ports and facilities for our both nations navies. Benefits for both sides are obvious as the UK gains a more stable partner while the SAE enjoys increasing and fertile relations with the worlds biggest naval and merchant power.

Pretoria. Brazil´s ambassador in Pretoria was called to his Majesty today. He was invited to attend to a meeting in which the Brazilean engagement in Paraguay was scrutinized. For the first time the Brazileans were officially asked to explain their position and meddling into foreign affairs. Forgoing was an analysis of the information retrieved from the wrecked plane and her interviewed pilot who was transported to an unknown location for further undisturbed recovery.


Wednesday, July 11th 2007, 2:27pm

The government of Atlantis would like to offer some assistance in reguards to the refugee camps should South Africa need it. Tents for shelter, medical supply's, food and cothing could all be supplied.


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Wednesday, July 11th 2007, 3:15pm

The Government of Grand Uruguay and the SAE thanks Atlantis for that generous offer. All logistical options will be checked and preparations nitiated to get those goods to those who are in need.

OOC: Will see to add something to my later news....


Saturday, July 14th 2007, 5:17am

The Philippines makes noises about concern about its fellow Spanish-speaking peoples...


Keeper of the Sacred Block Coefficient

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Saturday, July 14th 2007, 11:08am

What kind of noise? KABOOMM?!


Saturday, July 14th 2007, 11:41am

More like "*Ommmmminous Hummmmmmmm*". The KABOOM is specially reserved for the non-spanish speaking nations. :D