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Monday, July 3rd 2006, 8:31am

Chinese News Q2/1931 (Part Three)

What happened ....

8. Mai - 26. Mai

Attendance of the chinese delegation in Germany

More details following

11. Mai
Guangzhou signs a contract with India, which contains the expansion of the route network of the EURASIA to India. Since the today's day the EURASIA with its machines approaches Imphal, Hyderabad and Mumbai.

27. Mai
In Zhanjiang the first Chinese submarine is laid down. Here it concerns an test-submarine of the type I. the boat is to serve to attain first experiences in the handling with submarines.

28. Mai - 03.June

Attendance of the chinese delegation in Poland (PRJ-Alliance)

More details following

9. June
The "Ning Hai" attacks several Fishingboats in the Formosa-street. A search unfortunately leads to no result. The "Ning Hai" becomes “invisible” again.

10. June - 24.June

Attendance of the chinese delegation in India

More details following

15. June
An earthquake of the strength 5,4 shakes the province Shaanxi.According to first reports, it came in the proximity of the city Xi'on to a terrible disaster, when a railway train fell into a ravine. An exact number of the victims is not well-known yet. The 12. and 24. Infantrydivision helps with the clearing up work as well as at the search after victims.

28. June
The delegation under the direction of Vice Admiral Jhi June terminates its inspection route by the shipyards of the world and arrives again in Shanghai. In an interview Jhi June says "We are now a large piece further, which concerns the construction of ships. While China was in former times a developing country, which concerns building of ships, then we are now, thanks of the won impressions in a position to offer surely competitive Designs.And who knows, perhaps we get also an order to China."




Monday, July 3rd 2006, 12:58pm

Attendance of the chinese delegation in Germany

Report for the attendance of the Chinese delegation in Germany:

8. Mai
The “Zhaoxiang” lands in the harbour of hamburg. The landing of the airplane is observed of thousands humans, nevertheless it is first time that a Chinese delegation visits Germany. For this reason at the jetty numerous representatives of the press appeared themselves. After the greetings of the delegation by the german chancellor a press conference took place.

09. Mai
The Chinese delegation visits the port of Hamburg with the Blohm & Voss - shipyard. With the "North German Lloyd" the possibility of a shipping connection to Shanghai was discussed.

10. Mai - 12.Mai
Visit of Cuxhaven
Here builds Germany the 7000t cruiser “Ankara” for the Turkey. Jhi June feels the ship as a very beautiful ship, which would surely be an enriching for each fleet. After the “Ankara”, the inspection of a destroyer takes place. Here the interest of the Chinese delegation is already noticeably higher. China possesses only four destroyers and intends as fast as possible an appropriate number to build, in order to be able to solve the resulting tasks. After a detailed inspection of the ship a discussion with the representative of the German government was pushed in.The discussions run one extremely positively and in such a way they agreed that China acquires at least 3 destroyers of the so called "Export-Destroyer" in the next 3 years. The first, called "Baoji" is to be laid down in the next quarter.

13. Mai - 15.Mai
Visit of Kiel
China intends to build a powerful submarine fleet. It was agreed upon that the representatives of China make a small test run with the two submarines. Inspired of the German technology and the possibilities, which the use of this weapon in a conflict offers, Jhi June says “China absolutely needs such boats!!! But unfortunately we do not have any experiences in the guidance and handling. But perhaps we can agree with our German friends that either our captains are trained on German ships, or we can copy these boats at home under license. Or we can buy some of these submarines“

16. Mai
Visit of the Ernst Heinkel aircraft plants A.G. in Rostock
After a flightshow, which should show the chinese delegation the various aircrafts of the company, Vice-Admiral Jhi June underwrites
an order over 20 He59 Fighters for the chinese Air Force.

17. Mai
visit of an exercise of Luftwaffe on the exercise area Grafenwöhr
Here the Chinese delegation could win an impression, as combat aircraft skillfully assigned, which can support Infantry.

19. Mai
visit of the Junkers-company in Dessau
Jhi June presents an order of the EURASIA over 5 planes of the type Ju G.31 as well as 3 planes of the type Ju G.38 to the managing director with its attendance in the Junkers aircraft plants. The planes are to be used on the distance Nanking - Shanghai and Shanghai - Mumbai. In addition the Vice Admiral presents an order over 10 Junkers K.51 bomber to the managing director.

22 Mai
visit of the Krupp / Rheinmetall-company
The Chinese delegation is on the search for a replacement for the Chinese standard rifle and lets itself the newest models be demonstrated. Here China acquired the license for the building of the ship cannon 28cm/54.5 SK C/31. It was agreed upon to pay the costs of the license in four rates.

23. Mai
Visit of the Dornier Aircraft Ltd in Friedrichshafen
The Delegation presents an order over 10 Do-15 Flightboats. It's planed to use them as reconaissance-planes in the chinese Navy.

25. Mai
visit of munich
As conclusion of the attendance of the Chinese delegation a visit of the Hofbräuhauses takes place.




Monday, July 3rd 2006, 3:04pm

Attendance of the chinese delegation in Poland

Report of the Attendance of the chinese delegation in Poland (PRJ-Alliance)

28. Mai - 03.June

For the first time a Chinese delegation arrives Warsaw , in order to negotiate with prominent members of the Polish government. Apart from the inspection of some shipyards also the attendance of an airfield in close proximity to Lublin stands on the program. Unfortunately no member of the Chinese delegation expressed itself over the won impressions of Polish ship architecture. However it seems, as if the attendance would not have brought desired success.

With the attendance of the Flightshow Jhi June said "The PZL P.7a is already a wonderful airplane, which can offer outstanding characteristics. We have to compare the airplanes of all manufacturers directly with one another. But fortunately the first large airplane fair takes place in the autumn in Nanking, to which our transport minister invited all well-known airplane manufacturers."

China's army is momentarily in a phase of the re-orientation. For this reason the Chinese delegation visited also various armament makers of Poland. Of the simple rifle up to the field artillery.
Jhi June was inspired of the polinischen 81mm mortar , from which he ordered equivalent 200 pieces.Likewise China ordered in each case 10 howitzers of the caliber sizes 100/150 and 280 mm. Since a stationary artillery is useful not much, also still the order of the vehicles necessary for it followed the order of the cannons, 60 Ursus A truck. These reinforcement are to serve as basic stick for the "Gebirgsjägerdivision".

After a taut inspection program the Chinese delegation left Poland at the 3.June toward southeast. In a interview the head of the Chinese delegation said , "Poland is, exactly the same as China, in a phase of the military restructuring. Perhaps the attendance came one or another year too early. For this reason also the order of China does not have probably the extent like both sides to have expected. But we put the foundation-stone for the further economic Zusammmenarbeit and it were surely not the last attendance here in Warsaw."




Tuesday, July 4th 2006, 8:09am

Attendance of the chinese delegation in India

Attendance of the chinese delegation in India

10. June - 24.June

During the attendance of Indian shipyards different ship types stand to the selection. In order to have a good comparison with the German building of submarines, the Chinese delegation decided to examine the building of the submarine I-24. Here it concerns a large submarine for oceanic use.

It was intended also to visit the “Patan” however this plan was let fall, since China already ordered 3 destroyer in Germany.

Next the Chinese delegation visited the "Pidurutalagda". The frigate can be used as Patrol-ship and if necessary also as a convoy escort.

It is additionally equipped with an airplane and depth charges to fight a submarine, thus a ship of which perfectly would fit into the Chinese navy .

Due to the “Ning Hai” - problem, China presents an order for a ship of the Pidurutalagda class. This ship has to patrol the southchinese sea. The negotiations last to deep into the night. The commencement of construction for the first Chinese frigate is Q1/1932 and she will be named “Yamlai”.

Just as interesting also the “Umred” is, a Sloop which can be used as mine circular scraper for China. It nevertheless applies to keep waters around of China mine free. An advantage of this ship is free of doubts the cost factor. This concerns a small, economical unit, which can be manufactured in mass production. After a tough and long negotiation one agreed finally on the fact that China acquires the license for the building of the “Umred”. Thus an additional extent of utilization of the shipyards of China takes place.

China has a large army, however no possibility to accomplish amphibious operations. Up to now the Chinese military guidance always assumed that to be able to land their troops in a friendly port. Due to the Hainan Dao conflict it seems to be however inevitable to develop a Marineinfantry. This must be equipped with appropriate vehicles, in order to be successfully able to implement landing operations. For this reason is the Chinese delegation naturally interested like the LC-V #2 built is, in order to place if necessary an order or to acquire the license to the building. After further negotiations China bought also the license rights for the building of this type of ship.

Over a powerful submarine fleet to construct and/or maintain requires it naturally not only a supply ship but also a Depotship,why an inspection of the “Captain Jagan Rane” is inevitable. This ship fulfills almost perfectly the task of a stationary servicer.

The Indian Design of the airplanes is free of doubts responding , however the Chinese delegation is interested only in the bombers and Flightboats. Interesting would for example the twin-engine bomber of the Alleppey Aeronautics (the AA-3) and/or the Flugboot of the Mayawati company be, the M-8 Flugboot.

After a Flightshow, in which the two types were extensively introduced, Jhi June presented an order over 10 M-8 Flightboats, as well as 20 bombers AA-3 to the director of the Indian delegation. The airplanes are to be delivered still this summer at China.

As conclusion of the attendance of the Chinese delegation a meeting with the minister of foreign affairs Jal Kadharni as well as an audience with the emperor Shrinivas. In the discussions it concerned the requirement of China on Hainan Dao. India recognizes partially the legal standard of the Chinese requirement, and prefers a peaceful settlement of the conflict.

In an last interview Jhi June said "The attendance in India was a big success. I hope that this will be the beginning of an economical successfully co-operation for many years."


Tuesday, July 4th 2006, 11:45am


Due to the Hainan Dao conflict it seems to be however inevitable to develop a Marineinfantry.

What conflict? I saw a diplomatical spat with no clear conclusion. Now China starts to build up for an amphibious invasion to take by force what they couldn't get by demand?

For aircraft I don't know if China is interested in what they historically purchased, the Breda Ba.27 , which was reasonably effective and well-liked.




Tuesday, July 4th 2006, 12:31pm

Perhaps I expressed myself also a little unfortunately. Naturally there is no conflict concerning Hainan Dao, but “only” different opinions concerning the nationality. But it cannot be excluded naturally that from the diversities of opinion quite an armed conflict can form. And for such eventualities to be prepared, China sends itself to train the Marineinfantry.

China is naturally interested to the Breda Ba.27. But Italy unfortunately did not invite the Chinese delegation. China however invites all aircraft manufacturers of the world, thus also the Italian, to the airplane fair in the autumn to Nanking. There the best fighter is to be selected in a peaceful competition.


Tuesday, July 4th 2006, 12:36pm


China is naturally interested to the Breda Ba.27. But Italy unfortunately did not invite the Chinese delegation. China however invites all aircraft manufacturers of the world, thus also the Italian, to the airplane fair in the autumn to Nanking. There the best fighter is to be selected in a peaceful competition.

Which is what I was gunning for. Maybe take the CR.32 along as well.