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Thursday, May 26th 2016, 6:13pm

Hello Again

Hello All!

I am indeed semi back. After several very mad and draining years, I have found the time and energy to pop back up here. I am definately not up to running a nation again yet, but will definately be around more again as an observer.


Thursday, May 26th 2016, 6:19pm

In any event it is good to have you with us. Welcome back!


Thursday, May 26th 2016, 6:51pm

Indeed, welcome back. It's good to see familiar old faces again. :)


Friday, May 27th 2016, 9:31am

Welcome back, hope you do lurk around here and give us your thoughts on recent events here.


Friday, May 27th 2016, 10:32am

Hi Earl, welcome back !!!! Your thoughts, comments and help is greatly appreciated.


Friday, May 27th 2016, 10:40am

Welcome back!


Friday, May 27th 2016, 7:06pm

Welcome back. Just ignore the crazy designs that have appeared during your absence. :D