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Sunday, December 12th 2004, 4:06pm

AWNR: CFJ - Q3/1925

AWNR: CFJ - July 1, 1925
A strange event has occurred. Everyone knows that a ship used to be under construction on the large slip at the Kure Navy Yard but now it is gone. What’s even stranger, no one seems to remember exactly what ship was being constructed there. There are also no reports available that give any details as to the identity of the ship. The Shinsengumi has sealed off the area surrounding the slip and started their investigation.
Whatever it was, if there ever was something, it now has joined the ships of the Kongo class in the Twilight Zone…
(OOC Note: See Q3 report for explanation; Slip V-1A at the Kure Navy Yard is ‘out of action’ for a whole year due to this investigation; not necessary, but that gives me something for 1926)

AWNR: CFJ - July 2, 1925
Yesterday it was announced that the three planned ships of the Okayama class are to be cancelled. No reason was given. The Japanese designers have gone to various meetings deciding what kind of design will have to be created for the three ships that will replace the cancelled Okayama ships.

AWNR: CFJ - July 7, 1925
A discovery was made by a small group of inspectors from South Africa that Japan’s museum ship Mikasa, moored at a special location at the Yokosuka Naval Base for the people to visit, was never properly demilitarized by the Imperial Navy when it was turned into a museum.
“The Mikasa was assigned to the Yokosuka Naval Base and turned into a museum ship in 1919,” the leader of the South African inspectors, Albert van den Heever, told AWNR: CFJ. “Apparently when the Cleito Treaty was signed, they forgot to check whether or not the Mikasa was demilitarized when it was turned into a Museum. Still none of the other nations ever bothered to check out the Mikasa until now. As she is now, she could be loaded in no time and sail away out of the harbor. Therefore, she should be counted as a vessel of the Capital Ship category according to Part 3, Chapter A of the Cleito Treaty. While it definitely is rather sloppy on the part of the Japanese Navy, Japan’s tonnage limit is not exceeded by the addition of the Mikasa and should not cause a problem. Should the Japanese Government wish to keep her as a museum ship that is not counted as a capital ship, she should be properly demilitarized according to Part 3, chapter H of the Cleito Treaty.

(OOC: See Q3 report for Mikasa explanation; With thanks to Hooman for allowing me to kidnap... I mean 'borrow' the South African Weapons Investigators)

AWNR: CFJ - July 15, 1925
With the Mikasa now being considered to be a vessel of the capital ship category, the Bakufu has started a discussion regarding the uncertain future of the Mikasa. Some want to follow the Cleito Treaty and properly demilitarize the Mikasa while others do not wish the Mikasa to be turned into an ‘empty shell’ and want to keep her as she is, even if it means that she will be considered to be a Capital Ship.

AWNR: CFJ - July 19, 1925
The Shogun has stepped in to make an end to the Mikasa discussion. Tokugawa Kaetuza determined that the Mikasa shall not be demilitarized and will not only be considered to be a part of the Imperial Navy’s Capital Ship Force, but will be recommissioned as well.
Still, to avoid disappointment from the people who love to visit the Mikasa, the Shogun determined that Yokosuka will be the Mikasa’s home base and he promised to the faithful visitors that once every half year, the Mikasa will be open to the public for two weeks. Also, since her current mooring place will be her fixed position whenever she is not at sea, the public will be allowed limited access to the ship. One thing is for sure: the Mikasa won’t be as active as the other Japanese Capital Ships.
Starting today, the Mikasa will receive a proper check to see if she still has what it takes to operate at sea.

AWNR: CFJ - July 31, 1925
The Bakufu has agreed to a deal with the Marina de Filipinas to build a modified version of the Go-Ni Mk.1 vessel. The design bureau has started to adjust the design to the Filipino armament. It is expected that adjusting the design shall not take too long and construction is expected to start in October.

AWNR: CFJ - August 24, 1925
The Philippines has set the schedule for the first-ever SATSUMA Treaty Naval Exercises for the third week of October. With the main theme being naval aviation, it is expected that one of Japan’s carriers will be sent to the Sulu Sea region. However the Imperial Navy has not confirmed as to which ships will be sent to take part in the Naval Exercises.

AWNR: CFJ – September 1, 1925
Having worked hard, the designers got the job done and the PRS Balabac was laid down today at the Niigata Navy Yard, much earlier than originally planned.

AWNR: CFJ - September 30, 1925
With less than 2 weeks to go, Japan still has not made any announcements as to which ships will participate in SATSUMA’s first Naval Excercises, but it believed that ships of the Southwestern Fleet will be selected to go to the Sulu Sea region.
Despite having been laid down much earlier than planned, the PRS Balabac wasn’t lucky this month as only a few bits of warship materials were available for her. Still the builders are optimistic and hope to catch up in the coming months.


Sunday, December 12th 2004, 7:47pm


Was a fellow calling himself Tesla seen in the vicinity of the slip shortly before the vanishing act?


The Manila Envelope
3 July 1925

I had a strange experience yesterday while I was out selling tinfoil hats. A fellow who introduced himself as Señor Lucsly asked me if I had noticed anything strange lately - "sudden changes without explanation", as he phrased it. I told him no, but I had heard rumours about something dissapearing in Japan. He thanked me and he and his companion walked off, and I headed the other direction. After a moment I turned around, and they had dissapeared...


Sunday, December 12th 2004, 10:15pm


How many Dreadnought-possessing powers still have predreads up their sleeves? France has scrapped all the surviving Danton and earlier classes, and has some heavily-fortified ports to show for it. Russia also has turned her Predreads into coast artillery, retaining Estafey to serve as a gunnery training ship, and to make the Goeben nervous ;)

Maybe we should all have a Predread Naval Parade somewhere?


Sunday, December 12th 2004, 10:18pm

I wouldn't be surprised if you could count those nations on one hand.


Sunday, December 12th 2004, 11:40pm

Atlantis has Zero, but we do have 3 AC's either as a museum ship or training vessels.

Turkey has two, Turgut Reis and Messudiyeh.

As a side note this didn't go un-noticed, and Hoo and I discussed the subject at length with walter. Out of sim mode Japan loses Kii (oversize gunliners and all) and all tonnage invested in her go's to the Mikasa. Essentially Japan loses a frontline BB and gains an old and slow Pre-dred.


Monday, December 13th 2004, 12:02am

Chile's got old battleships

I got two old British-Chilean Predreads (Swiftsure and Triumph) in additions to two Nordmark build Dreadnoughts. I think Brazil and Argentina also had a pair of British predreads each....Argentina's ships are questionable now since we don't know what Nordmark did to them yet....(Hint Hint).

The Phillapines still has one Austrian Predread I believe. Plus I think two others.


Monday, December 13th 2004, 12:05am

Mystery Kii

Maybe the Japanese have started using hidden ship production already? The Kii (Kei) would be very anyones hands.


Monday, December 13th 2004, 12:40am

Predread Roundup

The Philippines has the ex-Austrian Fernando and the old British-built Manila (a modified London-class ship), plus the California-class AC Luzon.

I think RAM still has a few PDs in his fleet?

NPCs that I know of:
Argentina -> We can probably consider them sunk. ;)
Brazil -> 2 x ex-RN Queen-class
Bulgaria -> ex-Filipino Angeles, sister to Manila
China -> Lee Siu-Lung, ex-USS Mississippi
Mexico -> Santa Anna, ex-USS Idaho*
Rumania -> ex-Austrian Radetzky (sister to Fernando

* - Just named this one. ;)

I've been wondering if perhaps any other British predreads were sold off - perhaps one each to Columbia and Peru?


Monday, December 13th 2004, 4:09pm


Essentially Japan loses a frontline BB and gains an old and slow Pre-dred.

Essentially Japan loses a frontline BB that never existed in real history and gains an old and slow Pre-dread that is the only Pre-dread Battleship around today.
... besides there are enough opportunities to construct a frontline battleship.


Maybe the Japanese have started using hidden ship production already?

I have been thinking about something like that, but the only way for that to work is to have a referee controling the game and who is aware of what kind of secret (and evil) things are going on behind the scenes.


The Kii (Kei) would be very anyones hands.

Yes. I suspect that "Señor Lucsly" is probably enjoying a trip on his new and luxurious cruise ship right now.


Monday, December 13th 2004, 10:08pm

India has the old Brandenburg class PD Ashoka in service as a training vessel.

I have to wonder if the presence of the "Dr. Uranium Balance" on a nearby slipway had anything to do with the disappearance. It sounds like a worrying name to me.


Friday, December 17th 2004, 3:05pm


Originally posted by Swamphen
I think RAM still has a few PDs in his fleet?

Yup, I do have two of them, the "Ijseelmer" PD class... but as soon as the new "Utretch" class of battleships is completed (to happen in Q4/28) they will be retired from service and scrapped.


Friday, December 17th 2004, 3:36pm

Whatever hapened...

... to the Rock Doctor?!
"The Indian Maniac"?!!?
And he has lost the rank of emeror, but we have gained one not that long ago because (as I type it) 7 posts ago, Red Admiral also joined the group of emperors and would-be emperors (like me).


I have to wonder if the presence of the "Dr. Uranium Balance" on a nearby slipway had anything to do with the disappearance. It sounds like a worrying name to me.

(forgot about this one...)
Actually if I am not mistaken, the "Dr. Uranium Balance" is currently (Q3) free floating construction. I didn't notice that at first but now that you mention that about the name it does lok a bit suspicious now.


Friday, December 17th 2004, 5:31pm


"The Indian Maniac"?!!?

I guess it just took longer for a certain somebody to think of a nickname for me. I'm not really sure it suits a Canadian of British descent, but what can you do.

A name like "Dr. Uranium Balance" (and really, who the hell comes up with these?) makes me immediately suspect that the Japanese have tried to replicate "The Philadelphia Experiment".

Hail to Red Admiral!



Saturday, December 18th 2004, 4:04pm


A name like "Dr. Uranium Balance" (and really, who the hell comes up with these?) makes me immediately suspect that the Japanese have tried to replicate "The Philadelphia Experiment".

Well, we should work hard to create things that will give us the edge in this ruthless world. :-)
I'll send you a picture of the good doctor.