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Friday, July 4th 2003, 5:02pm

Italian styling

Is this better? I mean, does it look more Italian?


Friday, July 4th 2003, 5:57pm

I can't get into it yet. Will I find it by navigating to your home page?


Friday, July 4th 2003, 6:12pm

You can get to it by, in your browser, copying the text of the link ( in this case) opening the File-manu, and choosing Open, pasting in the URL-text, and hitting Enter. Clicking on a direct link to a file on Geocities will never work, because Geocities will pretend the file does not exist (to reduce bandwidth-consumption); using the above described method will circumbent this.


Friday, July 4th 2003, 6:14pm

Red Admiral
What scale do you use for your pictures ? I got the impression with the picture of the Fransesco Caracciolo that the scale is 1.43265 pixels per foot (reasonably close to the 1.27887 pix/ft I use for my pictures).

Just curious.



Friday, July 4th 2003, 10:34pm


In my opinion they still look very British and Japanese but i think your latest picture is your best so far. I'm not fond of the bow but I prefer a North Carolina style bow myself, its all a matter of preferance. I like the layout of the secondary's. I tend to sound critical but thats because I play close attention to detail with my designs and I went through 3 bridge designs on my new battleships before I got it to look good in my eyes.
I prefer a British style bridge but the layout of my guns and the fact that I wanted it to look original made me go towards a bridge more like the Italian and german ships.


Friday, July 4th 2003, 11:10pm

To be honest, she looks American to me - Iowa-style twin funnels (less the caps), control tower, and secondary layout (minus a turret on each side). This is fine if it's a style you like; you're Italy, so you decide what looks Italian.

From a technical standpoint, I'd like to know why "B" turret isn't super-firing. From an aesthetic point of view, I'd appreciate her more if the superstructure were closer to amidships, and I'd make the stern non-perpendicular, but that's just me nit-picking.

Will you be putting together a top view? I'm curious to see her hull shape.

If I can make a request, I'd like to see a line drawing of the Taranto, as I'll working on a super cruiser design of my own over the next few weeks. It'd be interesting to compare the two.



Saturday, July 5th 2003, 7:37am

Scale is 1 pixel : 200mm.
B turret isn't super firing because there is no need. There is a lot of seperation so B turret could fire over A turret at about 30 degrees elevation. Not having the turret superfiring also makes stability better.
The stern is a transom to increase speed a bit, but it will have a minus on fuel economy.
I'll find my pic of MM Taranto and put it online. She looks very like Alaska.
I'll try to do a plan view of Tigre sometime today but probably won't get time. oh yes and a scale bar.